Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Truth Is..♥

I'd rather be needed than love. Love hurts,i'd rather have your hands on my body than you're pretty words and lies. I'd rather sleep on the cold crumbled sheets that you leave me on than be in your arms.The truth is i'd rather not force those hated words pass my throat because i'd rather not lie. "I love you" are just empty words lacking the promises and comfort your lips could give..i'd rather have those. But the real truth is I think I do love you even though I cringe at the thought it hurts to admit it...but don't worry you don't need to lie.You don't love me and I don't need the pain so spare yourself the effort to muster such words. Let me lay on the cold sheets and force myself to sleep,even though you linger in my dreams;because when I wake up you will be nothing but a distant and vague memory.